Registrants of the 29th JSAAE annual meeting will be able to join the academic program of Asian Congress 2016 without additional charge.
Greeting :

 The Asian Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (Asian Congress) 2016 is being organized by the Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (JSAAE) with the cooperation of the Alternatives Congress Trust (ACT), and the Organizing Committee is currently making preparations to begin registering participants from China, India, Japan, and Korea. The Asian Congress is scheduled to be held in November, 2016, at venues in the cities of Karatsu, Saga, and Fukuoka, Japan. The opening session will be held in Karatsu, followed by four days of scientific sessions and plenary lectures in Saga, and a closing session in Fukuoka, that will include the 29th JSAAE annual meeting and poster sessions focusing on Reduction, Refinement and Replacement (the Three Rs) of animal experiments.
 The Asian Congress will be the first conference of its kind for researchers from Asia, and will afford an opportunity for promoting alternative methods to researchers in these places, where the concept of the Three Rs is just now achieving penetration. The Asian Congress is intended to achieve multiple missions, which will include disseminating information not just on the latest advances in including pure sciences but on practical applications of the Three Rs worldwide.

Co-Chair: Hajime Kojima (National Institute of Health Sciences)
Co-Chair: Shigehiro Ohdo (Kyushu University)

Organizing committee :

Hajime Kojima (NIHS:co-chair)
Shigehiro Ohdo (Kyushu Univ.: co-chair)
Satoru Koyanagi (Kyushu Univ.)
Yasuyuki Sakai (Tokyo Univ.)
Takaharu Ogiwara (Japan Cosmetic Center)
Shigehisa Aoki (Saga Univ.)
Hiroyuki Miyazaki (Japan Bio Products)

Programme committee :

Hiroshi Yamamoto (Toyama Univ.: Chair)
Tsutomu Miki Kurosawa (Kagoshima Univ.)
Eui-Bae Jeung (Chungbuk National Univ., Korea)
Jufeng Wang(Pharmaron, China)
Muhammad Abdul Kader Akbarsha (Bharathidasan Univ., India)
Troy Seidle(HSI, Canada)
