
Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission has been closed.
International Session: Active Pediatric Surgeons in Asia
Deadline for abstract submission to the international session is
January 31, 2011.
February 14, 2011. (Deadline has been extended)
The organizing committee of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons encourages active pediatric surgeons from overseas to submit original abstracts in all clinical and basic research fields of pediatric surgery for oral or poster presentations.
Abstracts will be selected for oral or poster presentations.
Selected authors are entitled to submit a paper for publication in the Pediatric Surgery International, which is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons. Please see the PSI-Japanese Issue, 2011 with regard to manuscript submission for Pediatric Surgery International.
Instruction for Authors
Presentation Style
1. Oral presentations
Authors are to make a PC presentation style. Animation and sound functions will be applicable. If you bring your presentation data in PC media, please make sure that the data is applicable to Windows Media Player and works on Microsoft Power Point. Other audio-visual equipment such as videotapes may not be used.
2. Poster presentations
Posters should be brought to the congress and not mailed, as the organizing committee cannot be responsible for loss or mishandling. Presenters are responsible for mounting and removing their own material. Audio-visual equipment may not be used, but some will be required to make a short presentation with PC media on organizing committee demand.
1. The abstract must be written in English and contain a brief, clear statement of conclusion.
2. The abstract title must be within 120 characters including spaces. Please make the title briefly and clearly identify the nature of your study.
3. The abstract body should;
- be within 1600 characters (about 250words) or less.
- include a statement of the purpose to your study.
- include a brief description of methods if pertinent.
- include a summary of results.
- state the conclusion.
4. Charts, images and photographs are not accepted.
5. All abstracts should be submitted in an abstract submission form (Microsoft Word format) which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page as e-mail attachments. Please send your abstract to the secretariat at jsps48@asas.or.jp before the deadline.
6. The abstract may be rejected if the instructions are not followed properly.
1. Specify the type of presentation you prefer (oral or poster).
2. Indicate presentation categories for your abstract.
3. In case of genuine difficulties, please contact the congress secretariat: jsps48@asas.or.jp
4. Accepted abstracts will be published and distributed at the congress.
Abstract Review and Selection
1. Abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the Scientific Program Committee.
2. Confirmation of acceptance or rejection by the Scientific Program Committee will be e-mailed to the corresponding e-mail address of the presenting author in mid-April , 2011.
Travel Grant
The organizing committee encourage young surgeons from overseas to submit original abstracts in all clinical and basic research fields of pediatric surgery. The abstracts from overseas are automatically treated as applicants for the travel grants. Applicants must be either a young surgeon or a surgical trainee (under the age of 40) in any country except Japan. The maximum number of the winner selected will be 5 people and US$1,000 will be provided for each. Please see the detailed information about travel grant.
Congress Secretariat
c / o Association for Supporting Academic Societies
5-3-13 Otsuka,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 112-0012,JAPAN
Phone : +81-3-5981-6019
FAX : +81-3-5981-6012
Department of Pediatric Surgery,
Showa University School of Medicine
1-5-8 Hatanodai Shinagawa-ku
Tokyo 142-8555
Phone : +81- 3-3784-8789


Department of Pediatric Surgery, Showa University School of Medicine

Congress Secretariat
c/o Association for Supporting Academic Societies
5-3-13 Otsuka,Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0012, JAPAN
Phone : +81-3-5981-6011
FAX : +81-3-5981-6012